Taxi Tales - One Night on the Town
Conceived and Directed by: Mark Smith
Development collaborators:
Mike Burton, Ryan Byrne, Charlotte Cleaver, Lee Hithersay, Mark Smith & Ollie Wilson |
Taxi tales is inspired by Raymond Carvers short stories which subsequently became the award-winning film ‘Short Cuts’ directed by Robert Altman. Carver was a master storyteller in expressing a lot with a little, Carver's signature style: understated yet impactful portrayals of the struggles and frustrations of everyday life.
The taxi driver, a witness to countless dramas, has seen it all unfold on the backseat of their cab. Therapist, confidant – passengers bare their souls under the flickering city lights. The subsequent journey throws up recurring themes resulting in a rich human comedy – a mosaic of life's absurdities, built piece by piece across one night. Scratch night at the Unity theatre - Thursday the 30th of January - 7:30pm.
Tickets £6 /£8 |
Quotes on previous work:
The work reminded me of Jim Cartwrights ‘Two’ and Caroline Aherne ‘The Royle Family’ – a slice of life made real amongst the buffet.
★★★★ - The Reviews Hub
Talk to the Hand is great fun, highly skilled and very funny.
★★★★ - The Reviews Hub
Improvised theatre at its very best
★★★★★ - At the Theatre

Supported by the Liverpool Improvisation Festival